Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • “5 Surprising Benefits of Adopting a Shelter Pet”

    Do you know the incredible benefits of adopting a shelter pet? Shelter pets provide stress relief, companionship, and help reduce the number of animals in need. Whether you’re looking for a furry friend to cuddle with or an animal that can help out around the house, adoption is a great way to discover these benefits!…

  • How to Make a Change That Will Surprise Everyone

    A change that will surprise everyone is what you want to make. But before you make it, you need to be sure that it is going to be a positive change. You also need to think of the possible repercussions of making this change. In this article, I will share the 5 steps to make…

  • “Bridgewater: The Latest Success Story in New Jersey”

    Bridgewater is the latest small town to show the world that innovation and hard work can lead to success. With a population of just over 10,000 people, the town has overcome many economic challenges, most notably a lack of industry. However, thanks to its innovative leadership and concerted efforts, Bridgewater is now booming thanks to…

  • The One Habit That Can Change Your Life Forever

    Are you looking for a change in your life? If so, may I suggest one simple, yet powerful habit? The One Habit That Can Change Your Life Forever is the article’s headline and it is true! According to the article, developing just one new habit can have a significant impact on your life and make…

  • Why You Should Adopt a shelter Pet

    Do you want to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals? Consider adopting a shelter pet! Pets from shelters can be interacted with, examined, and even trained, which can provide an enriching experience for both you and your pet. Plus, many shelters provide free or reduced-cost spay/neuter services, so you’re helping to make…

  • The Simplest Way to Get Your Kids Learning on Their Own

    Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling to get your kids to learn on their own? If so, this simple guide will help. Parents will be given specific steps to take in order to help their children learn on their own, without relying on others. This is a valuable tool for parents who want their…

  • How to Banish Bad Feelings

    Are you struggling to get rid of negative feelings? If so, you’re not alone! Negative emotions can be quite a drain on your energy, and can even become a barrier to your success. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips on how to deal with negative emotions and make them less impacting. We’ll also provide…

  • Volunteering: The Right Choice for You!

    If you’re feeling stuck in your current job or just want to do something fun and rewarding, consider volunteering! There are plenty of opportunities available, and you can find something that interests you. Whether you want to help out at a local shelter, tutor kids, or work on a project specific to your interests, there’s…

  • The Best Places to Take a Promenade this Spring

    If you’re looking for a unique way to spend a spring day, check out some of the best promenades in the area! From picturesque hiking trails to serene lakeside paths, these sanctuaries will have you reaching for your camera. Here are four of the best: Springtime promenades: What are some of the best places to…

  • “6 Novel Ways to Celebrate Your New Pet’s Adoption”

    Do you have a new pet to celebrate? Maybe you got a new dog or cat, or you adopted a pet from a shelter. Whatever the case may be, there are many ways to celebrate your new pet’s adoption. In this week’s column, Chronicle columnist Lynn Neary offers six fun ways to celebrate your new…

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