Homeless Animal Lifeline (HAL), located in New Jersey, is an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization comprised of dedicated people who are committed to helping animals, their caregivers, and promoting kindness and compassion through humane education.
Since its inception in 2004, HAL has grown into a vibrant animal advocacy organization that not only focuses on animal adoption, but also addresses other important animal-related issues.
HAL is committed to creating a humane world through humane education. We provide literature, support, and resources about a variety of topics such as living with companion animals, the importance of spay and neuter, animal abuse prevention, cruelty-free living, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for feral cats, wildlife protection, and more. HAL does this by hosting public information tables in the New Jersey area, responding to email and phone inquiries, as well as through The Animal Spirit website, a free online resource for animal advocates.
We assist the community by providing food, supplies, and/or medical care for companion animals during times of need in order to help keep companion animals and their families together. Moreover, we assist with feral cat colonies throughout New Jersey, either by helping proactive caregivers establish their own Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, supplying cat food, or helping to finance spay/neuter and medical needs of feral cats.
HAL networks with other rescues, shelters, and organizations in an attempt to place as many animals as possible into loving homes, as well as expand humane education efforts.
We depend on volunteers and donations to keep our work going. With your support, all things are possible! Please join us and help to create a brighter future for animals.